Medical Residents rotating through Endocrinology All residents and medical students who are going to be rotating through Endocrinology at the Hamilton Health Sciences should contact Dr. Harper's secretary (905-540-3560) the week prior to the start of their rotation. Ideally, a one-on-one orientation with Dr. Harper either in-person or by telephone can then be arranged prior to the start of the rotation. When this is not possible residents can orient themselves by downloading the orientation package below but they should also try to arrange a clinic with Dr. Harper as early as possible in the rotation for orientation purposes. Just click to download the following orientation package to orient you to your upcoming Endocrine rotation: Endocrine Orientation Package This is the general orientation package. Endocrine Journal Club All residents rotating through endocrinology will be expected to present at the Endocrine Journal Club on the 3rd week of the month. One of the staff endocrinologists will supervise you and help you pick an appropriate paper to present. Journal Club instructions and a schedule for the supervising staff endocrinologists can be downloaded below: Supervising Staff for Endo JClub Endocrine Teaching Sessions: Near the start of your rotation please contact the following endocrine faculty to arrange times to meet for the 4 available Endocrine Teaching Sessions. 1) Starting Insulin Therapy - Dr. William Harper (905-540-3560) 2) Thyroid Dysfunction & Thyroid Nodules - Dr. Zubin Punthakee (905-521-2100 x22823) 3) Pituitary Tumors - Dr. Ally Prebtani (905-523-1714) 4) Adrenal Problems (Cushing's and Addison's) - Dr. John Booth (905-628-5700) Feedback: Be sure to contact Dr. Harper by the half-way point in your endocrine rotation for feedback. This will insure that steps can be taken to improve your rotation before it finishes, and also give you an idea about what to expect in terms of final evaluations. All final evaluations are done on the WebEval system.