
Dr. Harper's Office

The information in this website is directed at Canadian patients and is not intended to provide advice or solicit business from patients in countries other than Canada.  Furthermore, this website provides only general information and not specific medical advice for patients.  For medico-legal purposes, as well as for concerns regarding patient confidentiality, Dr. Harper does NOT provide specific medical advice over the internet.  Specific concerns about your health should be directed to your own physician. 

Referrals to Dr. Harper's Office:

All patients must be referred by a physician to be seen by Dr. Harper in his clinic.  A consult request letter as well as copies of any pertinent laboratory tests must be mailed or faxed to Dr. Harper's office before any appointment can be considered.  This contact information (address, phone, fax) is for the use of your physician's office in making such a referral.  Do not contact Dr. Harper's office directly yourself, as Dr. Harper does NOT provide specific medical advice by phone, mail or fax for patients he has not seen directly in his office.

bulletHamilton General Hospital, 237 Barton Street East
bulletMcMaster Clinic, Rm 627
bulletHamilton, Ontario, Canada
bulletL8L 2X2

Phone: 905-540-3560

bulletFax:     905-577-1404

Clinic Appointments with Dr. Harper:

Your appointment with Dr. Harper will be in one of the two following locations:

Diabetes Clinic: Located at McMaster University Medical Centre, 3V3 Clinic (take the yellow elevators from the parking lot to the 3rd floor)

Endocrinology Clinic: Located at the Hamilton General Hospital, Outpatient Department (Main Level just off the front lobby)

All patients are requested to bring their prescription and non-prescription medication bottles with them to each and every visit with Dr. Harper.  If this is not possible, then at least a list of all the medications and their doses should be brought to the appointment.  Also, your visit with Dr. Harper will be more productive if the reports of your blood tests are available at the time of your appointment.  Therefore, be sure to get your blood tests done at least 2 weeks before your appointment to allow sufficient time for the results to be mailed to Dr. Harper's office.