



ACCORD stands for "Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes"

What is the ACCORD Study?

People with Type 2 Diabetes are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease including heart attacks, strokes, and poor circulation to the legs.  It is possible that better control of blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood cholesterol may prevent these things from happening.  ACCORD is an international research study looking at this exact question.  ACCORD is funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control.  There are more than 70 centres in the United States and Canada with the goal of enrolling 10,000 participants.    

What are the benefits to volunteering for ACCORD?
bulletAdvice about healthy life style changes, e.g. specific diet and exercise plans
bulletFree glucose meter, supplies (lancets and strips), and training
bulletIndividualized patient education about control of diabetes, blood pressure, and blood cholesterol
bulletMedications for controlling blood sugar and either blood pressure or blood cholesterol -- free of charge
bulletCoverage of all parking costs

Am I eligible for ACCORD?

To be eligible for ACCORD you must have Type 2 Diabetes and be 55 years of age or older.  If you have both Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular disease then you are eligible at the age of 40 years or older.  You must also be willing to do finger sticks to measure glucose levels and do insulin injections if necessary to control blood sugar.  If you do not know what Type of diabetes you have or whether or not you have cardiovascular disease ask your doctor.  More complex eligibility criteria is listed below, but it is best to go through it with either your family doctor or you can also inquire about your eligibility by phoning the number listed below.

I am interested in volunteering or finding out more...

McMaster ACCORD Clinic Phone: 905-521-2100 x76810



Eligibility Table: Part I



 ≥ 55 years old

 ≥ 40 years old with documented CVD

(CVD: MI, CVA, CABG, PTCA, etc.)

Type 2 DM Stable therapy for > 3 months
Current HbA1c Number of OHAs allowed Insulin dose (U/kg)
7.5 - 9 % 0 - 3 None
7.5 - 9 % 0 - 2 < or = 1
7.5 - 9 % 0 > 1
9.1 - 11 % 0 - 2 None
9.1 - 11% 0 - 1 < or = 1
At least one of the criteria in Category A, or two of the criteria in Category B
Category A Category B
Documented MI or CVA (> 3 mos old) LDL > 3.38 mM on Lipid Rx
Documented cardiac bypass surgery or coronary angioplasty HDL < 1.30 mM female

HDL < 1.04 mM male

Documented arterial revascularization HTN on Rx or SBP ≥ 140 or DBP ≥ 95
Stable angina with ECG changes Current cigarette smoker
Positive Stress test BMI > 32 and 45
LVH by ECG or Echo  
Ankle-Brachial Index < 0.9  
> 50 % stenosis coronary, carotid, or lower extremity artery  

Eligibility: Part II

Participants must also be eligible for at least one of the following additional arms of the ACCORD trial:

1) Hypertension Arm:

SBP at screening Number of HTN medications
130 - 160 0 - 3
161 - 170 0 - 2
171 - 180 0 - 1

2) Lipid Arm:

Must be willing to discontinue any current lipid therapy and begin ACCORD assigned lipid therapy (simvistatin 20 mg od + fenofibrate/placebo).  The following parameters must also apply:

LDL 2.20 - 4.40 mM
HDL < 1.29 mM
Untreated Dyslipidemia TG < 8.47 mM
Treated Dyslipidemia TG < 4.52 mM